If a worker
clearly is an independent contractor, a complete agreement to that effect
is useful and recommended; however, any agreement, no matter how well
drafted and explained to each party and signed, will not change the results
if a person is held to be an employee under the facts and circumstances.
How should payments made to independent
contractors be reported?
The employer may be required to file
information returns to report certain types of payments made to independent
contractors during the year. For example, the employer must file Form
1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, to report payments of $600 or more to
persons not treated as employees for services performed for the trade or
Who is a Common-Law Employee?
Under common-law rules, anyone who performs services is an employee if the
employer can control what will be done and how it will be done. This is so
even when the employer gives the employee freedom of action. What matters
is that the employer has the right to control the details of how the
services are performed.
To determine whether an individual is an employee or independent contractor
under the common law, the relationship of the worker and the business must
be examined. In an employee-independent contractor determination, all
information that provides evidence of the degree of control and degree of
independence must be considered.
Who is a Statutory Employee?
If workers are independent contractors under the common law rules, such
workers may nevertheless be treated as employees by statute for certain
employment tax purposes if they fall within any one of the following four
categories and meet the three conditions described under Social security
and Medicare taxes , below:
driver who distributes beverages (other than milk) or meat, vegetable,
fruit, or bakery products; or who picks up and delivers laundry or dry
cleaning, if the driver is the employer's agent or is paid on commission.
full-time life insurance sales agent whose principal business activity is
selling life insurance or annuity contracts, or both, primarily for one
life insurance company.
individual who works at home on materials or goods that the employer
supplies and that must be returned to the employer or to a person the
employer names, if the employer also furnish specifications for the work to
be done.
full-time traveling or city salesperson who works on the employer's behalf
and turns in orders to the employer from wholesalers, retailers, contractors,
or operators of hotels, restaurants, or other similar establishments. The
goods sold must be merchandise for resale or supplies for use in the buyer
s business operation. The work performed for the employer must be the
salesperson s principal business activity.
Who is a Statutory Nonemployee?
There are two categories of statutory nonemployees: direct sellers and
licensed real estate agents. They are treated as self-employed for all
Federal tax purposes, including income and employment taxes, if:
all payments for their services as direct sellers or real estate agents are
directly related to sales or other output, rather than to the number of
hours worked, and
services are performed under a written contract providing that they will
not be treated as employees for Federal tax purposes.
Misclassification of Employees
If the employer classifies an employee as an independent contractor and has
no reasonable basis for doing so, the employer may be held liable for
employment taxes for that worker. Improperly classified employees can cause
business owners to end up with hefty tax penalties for nonpayment of
employment tax. Those who need help deciding if their workers are employees
or independent contractors can submit Form SS-8, Determination of Employee Work Status for Purposes of
Federal Employment Tax and Income Tax Withholding to the IRS. The IRS
will tell them if their workers are employees or independent contractors.