
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Affordable Care Act Affects Individuals and Businesses Here's some important dates to remember.

People that already have 2014 Affordable Care Act Marketplace Health Insurance coverage save these dates and share them with your friends and family. 

Open Enrollment is the time when you can find a new Marketplace plan, keep your current plan, or see if you qualify for help paying for coverage. If you want to make sure you’re covered in 2015, mark these 4 dates on your calendar

November 15, 2014. This is your first day to take action to keep or change your coverage.

December 15, 2014. Enroll by the 15th if you want new coverage that begins on January 1, 2015. If your plan is changing or you want to change plans, enroll by December 15th to avoid a lapse in coverage.

December 31, 2014. The day all 2014 Marketplace coverage ends, no matter when you enrolled. Coverage for 2015 plans can start as soon as January 1st.

February 15, 2015. The last day you can enroll in 2015 coverage before the end of Open Enrollment.